Network Latency vs Bandwidth: What's More Important?

October 15, 2021


Network latency and bandwidth are two essential factors that influence the performance of a computer network. Although they work hand-in-hand, they have different concepts and functions. In this blog post, we will discuss the differences between network latency vs bandwidth and which one is more important for networking. We will present factual information when possible to provide clarity and avoid confusion. We'll do our best to keep it light-hearted, but not at the expense of information quality.


Bandwidth refers to the maximum amount of data that can travel through a network within a certain period. It measures how fast the data can be transmitted over the network. The unit of bandwidth is typically measured in bits per second (bps) or more commonly as megabits per second (Mbps) or gigabits per second (Gbps). The higher the bandwidth, the more data that can be transmitted at once.

For instance, if one has a 100 Mbps network, they can transmit up to 100 megabits of data per second. A higher bandwidth will allow you to send larger files faster, which is particularly essential when working with high-resolution videos or images.


Latency is defined as the time it takes for a packet of data to travel to its destination and back again. It's usually measured in milliseconds (ms). Lower latency means that data travels faster, making the network more responsive. Higher latency can result in delayed responses, buffering, and lag when communicating between devices.

For example, when playing online games, lower latency can mean the difference between landing a shot or missing or winning or losing a match. In day-to-day browsing activity or e-mailing, higher latency can lead to minor inconvenience but won't have significant impacts.

Bandwidth vs Latency

Now that you understand bandwidth and latency let's discuss which one is more important. This is an often-heated debate! Both are essential, but which is more important depends on the purpose of the network.

If you are sending large amounts of data, bandwidth is essential. The higher the bandwidth, the faster the data can travel through the network. That's why bandwidth is critical for data-intensive applications like video conferencing, downloading large files, or streaming high-definition videos. However, having high bandwidth doesn't mean lower latency.

Latency is crucial for networks that require real-time communication, like those that handle online gaming, video conferencing, or trading platforms. Even with high bandwidth, high latency can result in jerky video conferencing, slow server requests, and dropped packets. A low latency network can experience fewer issues allowing faster, smoother communication.

This means that both network latency and bandwidth are critical, but they serve different functions based on the network's purpose. It may be ideal to have high bandwidth and low latency. However, one has to make some trade-offs when designing a network.


In summary, network latency and bandwidth are two different concepts that work together to make networks function appropriately. The correct balance of both is critical for a smooth and responsive network. The network's purpose will influence whether higher bandwidth or lower latency is more important.

We hope this blog post clarified the differences between network latency vs bandwidth. And now you can make a more informed decision depending on your particular needs.


[1] Network Performance: Latency vs. Bandwidth, Solarwinds, Retrieved 2021

[2] Network Latency and Bandwidth, IBM, Retrieved 2021

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